Crani is a motion graphic created completely by code made through processing. The 3d models were modeled by me and brought into processing through blender. This piece uses ovals to lose and gain the shape of the skull. I used color to accentuate the middle and greyed out the modeled elements to act as a sort of border. Usually in culture skeletons are used to symbolize death which can be seen as more grey and less colorful but that is not the case in this piece.

Aenean aliquet nec nibh et aliquet. Sed in lorem sed est ultricies aliquet. Curabitur et nunc vehicula, fringilla nulla tincidunt, consectetur turpis. Sed sodales leo justo, ut aliquam ligula ullamcorper ut. Sed ultrices odio vitae lorem finibus aliquam. Curabitur eu rutrum nulla. Etiam dapibus justo id facilisis ullamcorper.

Aenean aliquet nec nibh et aliquet. Sed in lorem sed est ultricies aliquet.